Freeman hosts 12th annual Finance Case Competition

A team representing Vanderbilt University took the top prize of $5,000 at this year's Rolanette and Berdon Lawrence Finance Case Competition. The competition took place at the Freeman School on April 4, 2008.

Emory University took second place and a prize of $3,000, and a team from Rice University won third place and a prize of $2,000.

In addition to the winning teams, the competition this year featured teams representing Tulane, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, University of South Carolina, Wake Forest University, and Washington University.

Serving as judges this year were Charles Carrier, partner with Johnson Rice; Curt Karges, managing director with JP Morgan Securities Inc.; and Jay Parkinson, vice president with Jefferies and Co.

The Finance Case Competition began in 1997 and has been sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence since 1998. Berdon Lawrence (BBA '64, MBA '65) is chairman of Kirby Corp., a Houston-based operator of inland tank barges. He is a former member of the Board of Tulane and serves on the Business School Council.