Freeman partners with Baltic Management Institute EMBA

The Baltic Management Institute (BMI) International EMBA class XVII, with executives from leading Baltic, Nordic and global companies, begins studies this week in Vilnius, Lithuania, under some of the world's best management educators. Professors teaching in the program represent 11 worldwide leading business schools, including the A. B. Freeman School of Business at Tulane University.
BMI first partnered with the Freeman School earlier this year to bring members of its International EMBA class to New Orleans for the Stewart Center for Executive Education's International Week program. Beginning in 2016, participation in the International Week program will be a required activity for all BMI EMBA students.
The international executives in the BMI EMBA program seek to upgrade their business skills and know-how in Vilnius, New Orleans and Shanghai in order to take their companies and careers to new levels of success.
"Today, the BMI classroom at Europa tower accommodates €3.75 billion revenues worth of brainpower," said BMI Director General Jaunius Pusvaskis. "Members of the new BMI International Executive MBA class come from Lithuania, Belarus, Latvia and Russia. Top and senior level managers make up 90 percent of the new class participants, with an average 13 years of experience. An average combined social network of the class is over 19,200 managers."
Among the numerous industries represented in this year's group, executives from ITT, finance, trade and logistics have the biggest presence, followed by media, energy and pharma. That gives a sense of where the dynamism is in the economy.
"Having been in business for more than 12 years, I was in need of broadening business horizons and upgrading business knowledge and skills," said Anastasija Kargina, CEO at TOI TOI Latvia. "BMI Executive MBA professors from leading business schools world-wide...make the studies an exhilarating and mind-changing journey."
"My decision to study at BMI International EMBA was determined by having next door the consortium schools standing out internationally as leaders in executive education," said Arminas Macevicius, director Russia-CIS Area, Business Process Effectiveness, Takeda Pharmaceuticals. "The BMI faculty insights trigger ideas that help discover new business opportunities. It is also a great opportunity to network with decision makers from the U.S., Russia, China, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Belarus."
The BMI Executive MBA program combines the strengths of seven leading business schools to offer premium education opportunities for experienced executives. Academic partners in design and delivery are HEC Paris, Copenhagen Business School, NHH Norwegian School of Economics, Louvain School of Management, Vytautas Magnus University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Tulane University.
The BMI EMBA, which started in 1999, is accredited by the European Foundation for Management Development with the EPAS seal of international quality.
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