Alumnus Steve Gleason profiled in New York Times

Steve Gleason (MBA '11), the former New Orleans Saint who has turned his battle against ALS into a national campaign to promote treatment of the disease, was featured in the New York Times on Jan. 2.

Freeman alumnus Steve Gleason has turned his fight against ALS into a national campaign to raise awareness of the disease.
Freeman alumnus Steve Gleason (MBA '11), who is battling the debilitating neurodegenerative disease ALS, was recently profiled in the New York Times.

Since his diagnosis in 2011, Gleason has become a leading advocate for sufferers of the disease, which attacks nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, disabling voluntary movement and muscle control. Through the nonprofit he founded, Gleason has helped distribute more than $2 million in technology and training to people with ALS. He also helped pass the Steve Gleason Act, which ensures Medicare-covered access to eye-tracking and speech generating devices.

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