Scripps News: Peter Ricchiuti discusses record high on Wall Street

Peter Ricchiuti

Peter Ricchiuti, senior professor of practice and founder of Burkenroad Reports, was interviewed on the Scripps News show Morning Rush about the gap between Wall Street's record-high performance and sentiment on Main Street.

Wall Street's never done this well. In fact, you could argue this is the best economy in six decades, but Main Street is still struggling. If you're a small business, you can't find labor. Your costs are going up. It seems like you're not going to be able to pass it on to consumers like you did in the beginning of this inflation. So that's what they're seeing and that's what they're feeling. It's going to be interesting to see how this shake out because it doesn't seem much different than the political horizon itself, where 50% of the people think the economy is terrible and then 50% really see this.

To see the interview in its entirety, visit





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