WSJ/Times Higher Education MBA and MFIN ranking survey

The Wall Street Journal and the Times Higher Education are currently conducting a survey of global MBA and Master of Finance programs for rankings to be published in spring 2018. The survey, which seeks to understand the level of teaching quality at the Freeman School and the impact your degree has had on your career, relies primarily on the feedback of MBA and MFIN students who graduated in summer or fall 2011; spring, summer or fall 2012; spring 2013; summer or fall 2014; and spring 2015. All members of these graduating classes should have received an invitation email and reminders from
In order to be included in the ranking, the Freeman School must achieve an alumni response rate of at least 20 percent, with a minimum of 20 completed surveys for each graduating cohort, so it's important for everyone who received the invitation to respond. Please check your email for the announcement -- including your Tulane email account and/or your spam folder -- and take a few minutes to complete the survey. As a special thank you for your participation, the Times Higher Education will donate $1.50 to UNICEF for each completed survey, up to $10,000.