Beta Gamma Sigma Inducts Newest Members

Beta Gamma Sigma logo on classroom screen

The Tulane chapter of Beta Gamma Sigma, the international honor society recognizing academic excellence in the study of business, welcomed its newest members on April 15, 2021. While Tulane’s traditional recognition ceremony and reception were cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic, inductees were invited to a series of society-wide virtual membership recognition ceremonies. The spring 2021 inductees, and their programs of study, are:

Meghan Abe (MBA)

Isabelle Chaple (MACCT)

Kathryn Dortch (BSM)

Jacobo Erice Esquiroz (BSM)

Sarah Hellmann (MANA)

Matthew Herman (MACCT)

Alexander Hill (BSM)

Ethan Huene (BSM)

Josette Johnson (PMBA)

Ashley Keating (MACCT)

Morgan Kiernan (MACCT)

Rebecca Kinzly (BSM)

Matthew Klinghoffer (BSM)

Ignacio Laffitte Tanarro (BSM)

Mackenzie Lees (BSM)

Yihan Lu (BSM)

Fabian Lugo (BSM)

Benjamin Malech (BSM)

Claire Mallory (BSM)

Grace McCollam (MBA)

Polina Minovalova (MACCT)

Carlie Nocerino (BSM)

Tara O'Connor (BSM)

Rochelle Rader (BSM)

Caroline Richter (BSM)

Nathalie Rotenberg (BSM)

Jaime Saez Barbero (BSM)

John Strasburger (MANA)

Maohe Wang (BSM)

Eli Weiner (BSM)

Haoxiang You (MACCT)

Gavin Zaentz (MANA)

Enming Zhang (BSM)

One student who was previously inducted at the undergraduate level received second recognition at the graduate level:

Isabel de Obaldia (MANA)


Beta Gamma Sigma is recognized by the educational and corporate communities as the highest recognition a business student can receive in a program accredited by AACSB International—The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. Tulane’s chapter was established in 1924.