The Advocate: New Orleans well-positioned to ride the internet's next wave

Rob Lalka

Rob Lalka, Albert R. Lepage Professor of Business and executive director of the Lepage Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, contributed a guest column to the New Orleans Advocate on Web3 and why New Orleans can play a leading role in the emerging “people-first” tech revolution.

Web3’s essence is that these technologies should empower the many, not the few, with more people prospering in our digital economy. To borrow an acronym that crypto-enthusiasts love: WAGMI, We’re All Gonna Make It.

That credo is deep down in the soul of this city. Join any parade and you’ll be immersed in it. We know we’re in this crazy thing together; from the king cakes we share and the costumes we wear during carnival season, to every second line’s soul-stirring homegoing, both life and death are communal here.

Creativity and community: It’s who we are.

To read the article in its entirety, visit



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