Business analysts play an increasingly important role in today’s economy. But what can you do with a business analytics degree and where can it take you?
For professionals weighing advanced education options, both a Master of Business Administration (MBA) and a Master of Accounting offer valuable, distinct paths for specific career goals. An MBA provides a well-rounded education in…
Graduate business education can drive career success. Explore how to get into graduate school and graduate school admissions for advanced business degrees.
Balancing work and life while enrolled in graduate school can be challenging but also rewarding. Discover tips for achieving better work-school-life balance.
Considering a master’s degree in business? Learn about common business school requirements, including admissions materials and choosing a business program.
In a competitive job market, business students are always seeking an edge. Discover the value of dual degree programs and how they can help you stand out.
Explore the key differences between a master’s degree in finance vs. accounting. Discover which path best aligns with your academic and professional goals.
Financial assistance can help fund graduate school. Explore how to receive a graduate school scholarship, and learn what a fellowship in graduate school is.
Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) degree programs prepare students with skills to succeed in technology-driven industries.
Discover what a finance degree entails, including the skills that can be developed and the careers graduates can pursue in business and finance.
Business is one of the most popular fields of study among graduate students. In 2021-2022, for example, the National Center for Education Statistics reported that nearly one in four — 23 percent — of master’s degree graduates received…
Explore financial aid options for graduate school, including scholarships, grants, and loans. Discover tips to help fund your advanced education journey.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, about 26 percent of professionals with a business degree have an advanced degree such as a Master of Business Administration (MBA) or a PhD in Business Administration. A graduate degree…
Different kinds of MBA degrees can meet students’ needs. Explore several types of MBA degrees, their requirements and curriculum, and related careers.
The Wall Street Journal reported this week that applications to MBA programs grew by 12% in 2024, reversing two years of declines. Leading the growth were applications to full-time in-person programs, which rose 32% to their…
Forbes has named New Orleans as the 2024 Best City in the U.S. for College Students and Graduates. The ranking, which appeared in July 2024, praises New Orleans for its appealing mix of abundant housing, low rents, expansive dining…
Applying to graduate business programs at Freeman is easy, and all applicants are considered for fellowship funding.
We talked to some students at orientation and asked what they're looking forward to in their degree programs.
We're one week out from tax day... and many news outlets are reporting a shortage of accountants. Did you know that each student in the Master of Accounting program gets one-on-one advising to prepare for the CPA exam? Because the…
Over three days earlier this month, Freeman welcomed representatives from more than 50 companies to meet with more than 200 students at a series of events. The Career Management Center sponsored this year’s Freeman…
When I try to identify Freeman’s "secret sauce" in helping students like me generate these newfound passions, I can easily point to the school’s tangible learning experiences. And when I reflect on a particular class that shaped my…
At the Freeman School, the MBA program is more than just coursework. From group projects to local internships, here’s how two second year MBA students spend a typical week. Kendall Zenk Monday Kendall Zenk spends her Monday…
Osman Kazan has always made numbers matter with a simple tenet: “Tell a story with them.” That’s what he does to shape the Freeman School’s Master of Business Analytics degree into a rigorous, experience-based education of the…
It’s unbiased research. A spotlight on small, yet possibly lucrative companies that Wall Street overlooks. It’s a niche uncovered by Burkenroad Reports, a course where students conduct in-depth investment analysis of small cap…
Mohammed Sharief faced a choice: should he become a doctor or study business? The rigor of a medical degree was daunting, as was the experience he’d need to be successful in business, but he had a goal: one day, he wanted to help lead…