
image file named Ricky-Tan-1000.jpg
April 04, 2018
Yinliang “Ricky” Tan's paper “Marketplace, Reseller or Hybrid: Strategic Analysis of an Emerging E-Commerce Model” has been accepted for publication in Production and Operations Management (POM).
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March 28, 2018
Adrienna Huffman’s paper “Asset Use and the Relevance of Fair Value Measurement: Evidence from IAS 41," has been accepted for publication in the Review of Accounting Studies. Huffman is an assistant professor of accounting.
Lynn Hannan
March 23, 2018
Lynn Hannan's paper “The Effect of Environmental Risk on the Efficiency of Negotiated Transfer Prices” has been accepted for publication in Contemporary Accounting Research.
Junchao Li
March 10, 2018
Junchao “Jason” Li’s paper “Exploring the Affective Impact, Boundary Conditions, and Antecedents of Leader Humility” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Applied Psychology.
Daniel Mochon
January 20, 2018

Daniel Mochon’s paper “If you are going to pay within the next 24 hours, press 1: Automatic planning prompt reduces credit card delinquency” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Consumer Psychology.

Deen Kemsley
January 17, 2018
Deen Kemsley, Paddy Sivadasan and Venkat Subramaniam’s paper “The Composite Dividend Tax Rate” has been accepted for publication in Accounting and Business Research.
Nishad Kapadia
January 13, 2018
Nishad Kapadia and Morad Zekhnini’s paper “Do Idiosyncratic Jumps Matter?” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Financial Economics.
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December 12, 2017
Yinliang "Ricky" Tan's paper “Captivate: Building Blocks for Implementing Active Learning," co-authored with Brent Kitchens of the University of Virginia and Tawnya Means of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Education for Business.
Lynn Hannan
November 16, 2017
Lynn Hannan's paper “Team Member Subjective Communication in Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Teams,” co-authored with Markus Arnold of the University of Bern and Ivo Tafkov of Georgia State University, has been accepted for publication in The Accounting Review.
October 24, 2017
Mazhar Islam's paper “Signaling by Early Stage Startups: US Government Research Grants and Venture Capital Funding,” co-authored with Adam Fremeth of the Ivey School at University of Western Ontario and Alfred Marcus of the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota, has been accepted for publication in The Journal of Business Venturing.
July 22, 2017
Serena Loftus' paper “Because of ‘Because’: Examining the Use of Causal Language in Relative Performance Feedback” has been accepted for publication in the Accounting Review.
Nick Pan
July 22, 2017
Xuhui “Nick” Pan's paper “Oil Volatility Risk and Expected Stock Returns” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Banking and Finance.
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