Hain Celestial CEO to deliver 2016 R. W. Freeman Lecture

Irwin D. Simon, president and chief executive officer of Hain Celestial Group, will deliver the 2016 R. W. Freeman Distinguished Lecture on Wednesday, March 16, at 5 p.m. in the Lavin-Bernick Center’s Qatar Ballroom on Tulane University’s uptown campus.
Hain Celestial is one of the world’s leading organic and natural products companies, responsible for internationally known brands including Celestial Seasonings, Arrowhead Mills, Earth’s Best, Rice Dream, Garden of Eatin’ and many more. Simon’s presentation, “The Food Revolution: Insights from Hain Celestial’s Group Founder,” is free and open to the public. For more information, please contact Sharon Moore at 504-865-5407 or smoore@tulane.edu.