Grant appointed Tulane retention czar

Tulane University President Michael A. Fitts and dean of Newcomb-Tulane College James M. MacLaren, have appointed Kelly Grant, professor of practice at the A. B. Freeman School of Business, to serve as the university’s retention czar.
Grant has taken on many roles during her accomplished career at Tulane, including serving as a Newcomb College Institute faculty fellow and as a College Track faculty advisor. She is currently the Newcomb-Tulane College associate dean of retention and strategic initiatives and a professor of practice in management communication at the A.B. Freeman School of Business.
Grant said that she is the first person to hold the position of retention czar for undergraduates.
She initially joined Tulane as a staff instructor in the School of Business in 2001.
“It is wonderful to have someone as smart, dedicated and creative as Kelly to lead our efforts in this crucial arena,” said Robin Forman, senior vice president for academic affairs and provost.
“Our students are a community of remarkably talented young men and women who arrive on campus with greatly diverse backgrounds, perspectives and expectations,” said Forman. “That makes our commitment to offering students an extraordinary educational experience both more important and more challenging.”
Grant said the goal is simple — “help students here succeed.”
“Kelly has already played a role in illuminating aspects of this multi-faceted work and has helped point the way toward new mechanisms for better supporting student success,” said Forman.
She is currently analyzing past retention patterns and working on creating a data management system to streamline student feedback on their university experience and overall satisfaction.
Part of her duties include meeting with students who are considering a transfer from Tulane and guiding them toward university resources and academic support services.