Poets&Quants: B-Schools Eye New Source Of Talent: Laid-Off Peace Corps Volunteers

John Clarke, associate dean for graduate programs and executive education, and Melissa Booth, assistant dean of graduate education and director of admissions and financial aid, were interviewed by Poets&Quants for a story about business schools targeting Peace Corps volunteers called back from service due to COVID-19. Last month, the Freeman School announced a generous new scholarship program for Peace Corps alumni.
“Both Melissa and I have had some firsthand experience with some really strong students who have come to us after the Peace Corps, and who have done really, really well in our program and have usually gone on to be successful. When we see on the applicants’ resumes that they’ve been in the Peace Corps, or they’re currently in the Peace Corps, we’re always really excited about that, because of these personal experiences that we’ve had.”
To read the article in its entirety, visit poetsandquants.com: