Freeman welcomes nine to faculty for 2020-21

Tulane University’s A. B. Freeman School of Business is pleased to announce the appointment of nine faculty members for the 2020-21 academic year. The appointments, which were effective July 1, include seven tenure-track assistant professors, one professor of practice and one lecturer.

Sean Flynn
Assistant Professor of Finance
Sean Flynn joins the Freeman School from Colorado State University, where he spent the last three years as an assistant professor. Prior to that he completed his PhD in finance at Arizona State University. Within finance, Flynn teaches fixed income, and his research interests include corporate finance, real estate and financial regulation. Prior to his doctoral studies, Flynn worked at the Federal Reserve Board in both research and bank supervision capacities. He holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of South Dakota.

Mathias Kronlund
Assistant Professor of Finance
Mathias Kronlund comes to the Freeman School from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, where he served as an assistant professor. He teaches financial management. Kronlund earned his PhD in finance and an MBA from the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business. His research interests include corporate investments, payout policy, executive compensation, bond markets, credit ratings and mutual funds. His articles have been published in the leading journals in the field, featured in major media outlets and cited by both U.S. and European policymakers. Before his doctoral studies, Kronlund studied industrial engineering at Aalto University in Finland.

Jake Krupa
Assistant Professor of Accounting
Jake Krupa teaches advanced financial accounting at the Freeman School. He joins Freeman from the University of Miami, where he earned his PhD in business administration. His research focuses primarily on corporate disclosure and information intermediaries, using textual analysis methodologies to analyze how information transfers between corporations and external stakeholders. He has published his research in the Review of Accounting Studies (RAST). Prior to pursuing his doctoral studies, Krupa spent two years in public accounting with PricewaterhouseCoopers, where obtained his CPA license. He holds a master’s degree and a bachelor’s degree in accounting from the University of Miami.

Simin Li
Assistant Professor of Management Science
Simin Li joins the Freeman School from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, where she recently earned her PhD in operations management. Her research focuses on operational challenges and innovations in service industries and how service providers can use business models and service systems to manage demand and optimize revenue. In her dissertation, she studies how small service providers can use an innovative online deal to conduct revenue management and how capacity expansion with limited capabilities boosts efficiency in use of scarce resources in a healthcare setting. Prior to pursing her doctoral studies, she worked as a data scientist at Microsoft. She holds a master’s degree in operations research from Columbia University and a bachelor’s degree in applied mathematics from National University of Singapore.

Zoe Lu
Assistant Professor of Marketing
Zoe Lu comes to the Freeman School from the University of Wisconsin – Madison, where she earned her PhD in marketing with a minor in psychology. She teaches marketing fundamentals. Lu has broad research interests, covering pricing, promotion, product design, prosocial behavior and related topics. Recently, she has been working on how to use facial recognition technology to analyze the impact of social media content on consumers’ attitudes and perceptions. Her work has been published in Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology and Psychological Science. Prior to her doctoral studies, Lu worked as a product manager in the telecommunication industry. She holds a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering and a master’s degree in business administration from Shanghai Jiaotong University.

Anyi Ma
Assistant Professor of Management
Anyi (pronounced “ahn-ee”) Ma teaches negotiations at the Freeman School. She comes to Freeman from the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University, where she earned her PhD in management. Her research focuses on the topic of agency. Organizations often tell employees to take charge and assert themselves – or to be agentic – at work. Ma studies how agentic employees are perceived by others and the implications of these perceptions for gender and leadership. She also examines how agentic experiences feel from the employee’s perspective and the wide-ranging consequences of these experiences. Her research has been published in Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology and The Leadership Quarterly. Ma holds a bachelor’s degree in finance and management from National University of Singapore.

Yang Pan
Assistant Professor of Management Science
Yang Pan teaches advanced data management in the Master of Business Analytics program. She comes to the Freeman School from Louisiana State University, where she served as an assistant professor of information systems and taught database management and data analytics in master’s program. She received her PhD in 2017 from the University of Maryland at College Park. Her research focuses on incumbent firms’ behaviors in the IT industry responding to new entry threat. Her work has appeared in Information Systems Research and Management Information Systems Quarterly. Yang holds a master’s degree in software engineering from Peking University. Prior to entering academia, she worked at IBM, where she consulted for major customers on issues related to technology transfer.

Mauricio González
Professor of Practice in Management and executive director, Goldring Institute of International Business
Mauricio González comes to the Freeman School from Tecnologico de Monterrey in Mexico, where he served as dean of the School of Business for the Northern Region. He brings to Freeman more than 30 years of business teaching and consulting experience as well as senior administrative responsibilities at universities in the U.S. and Latin America. González specializes in globalization issues and the consciousness of modern enterprises. He served on the board of the AACSB from 2012 to 2015, and in 2012 he was a member of AACSB’s Latin American and Caribbean Council. He also served on the board of the Monterrey Digital Hub from 2018 to 2020.

Yatish Hegde
Lecturer in Management Science
Yatish Hegde teaches business analytics at the Freeman School. He joins Freeman from Syracuse University’s School of Information Studies, where he spent the last nine years as a research software engineer and led research applications development in the Center for Computational and Data Sciences. Hegde also served as an adjunct professor of data science at Syracuse. He holds a master’s degree in information management from Syracuse and a bachelor’s degree in computer science from R. V. College of Engineering in Bangalore, India. Prior to pursuing his master’s degree, he was a software engineer at Lucent Technologies India R&D (now Nokia).
In addition to the above, the Freeman School also named two instructors to one-year visiting appointments. Charles Connaughton was appointed visiting assistant professor of management, and Hee Ryung “Claire” Kim was appointed visiting assistant professor of marketing.
“Our faculty are the foundation of all our programs,” said Freeman School Dean Ira Solomon. “It gives me great pleasure to welcome this outstanding group of young scholars and educators to the A. B. Freeman School of Business.”