In the Media

Ambika Prasad
February 23, 2020
Ambika Prasad, lecturer in management, was profiled in Seema magazine for her research on stereotypes in the workplace.
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February 03, 2020
Peter Ricchiuti, senior professor of practice and research director of Burkenroad Reports, was interviewed for a story in Fortune about whether recent movement toward a yield curve inversion suggests an increased chance for recession.
Gans Narayanamoorthy
January 25, 2020

Gans Narayanmoorthy, associate professor of accounting, was interviewed for an article in Fortune about how companies are increasingly using non-GAAP accounting metrics to present a more favorable — and possibly misleading — view to the public.

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January 10, 2020
Rob Lalka, executive director of the Lepage Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, contributed an op-ed to about how cities can use data to support investment and economic development.
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January 08, 2020

Christine Smith, professor of practice in accounting and assistant director of the BSM/Master of Accounting program, contributed an article to Accounting Today about things students can do to make the most of their final college semester.

December 20, 2019

Russell Ledet (MD/MBA ’22) was interviewed by NBC News and other media about the viral photo he organized showing black Tulane University medical students posing at Whitney Plantation in Edgard, Louisiana.

December 16, 2019

Pierre Conner, professor of practice and executive director of the Tulane Energy Institute, was interviewed by WWL radio for a story on the growing importance of natural gas to Louisiana's economy.

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December 06, 2019
Rosalind Butler, assistant director of the Tulane Family Business Center, contributed an op-ed to New Orleans CityBusiness about the challenges of running a family-owned business.
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November 12, 2019
Peter Ricchiuti, senior professor of practice in finance and founder of the Freeman School's Burkenroad Reports program, was interviewed by for a story on the recently announced merger of IberiaBank and First Horizon Bank.
John Healey
November 12, 2019
Assistant Professor of Marketing John Healey was interviewed by WWL Radio for a story on the debut of Disney Plus, the entertainment giant's new streaming service.
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November 06, 2019
Peter Ricchiuti, professor of practice in finance and founder of the Burkenroad Reports program, was interviewed by Biz New Orleans for a story on the recently announced merger of IberiaBank and First Horizon Bank.
Daniel Mochon
October 09, 2019

Associate Professor of Marketing Daniel Mochon, whose research coined the term "the Ikea effect," was featured in a CNBC story about the psychology underlying Ikea's business success.

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