| Research
Jason Sandvik's paper “Workplace Knowledge Flows,” co-authored with Richard Saouma of Michigan State University, Nathan Seegert of University of Utah and Christopher Stanton of Harvard Business School & NBER, has been accepted for…
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Hila Fogel-Yaari and Gus De Franco's paper "MD&A Textural Similarity and Auditors,” co-authored with Heather Li of Bentley University, has been accepted for publication in Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory.
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Jonathan Jona's paper “Underlying Risk Preferences and Analyst Risk-Taking Behavior,” co-authored with Sean Cleary of University of Melbourne, Gladys Lee of University of Melbourne and Joshua Shemesh of Monash University, has been…
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Hila Fogel-Yaari's paper "MBE – Meeting/ Beating Expectations,” co-authored with Joshua Ronen, has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Accounting and Public Policy.
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Morad Zekhnini's paper "Financial Integration and Credit Democratization: Linking Banking Deregulation to Economic Growth," co-authored with Elizabeth Berger of Cornell University, Alexander Butler of Rice University and Edwin Hu of…
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Scott Kuban's paper “Too Hot to Handle and Too Valuable to Drop: An Expanded Conceptualization of Firm’s Reactions to Exchange Partner Misconduct” has been accepted for publication in the Academy of Management Journal.
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Lynn Hannan's paper "Mutual Monitoring and Team Member Communication in Team," co-authored with Markus Arnold and Ivo Tafkov, has been accepted for publication in The Accounting Review.
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Gus De Franco's paper “Product Market Peers in Lending,” co-authored with Scott Liao and Alex Edwards, has been accepted for publication in Management Science.
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Scott Kuban's paper “Contracting in the Smart Era: The Implications of Blockchain and Decentralized Autonomous Organizations for Contracting and Corporate Governance,” co-authored with Alex Murray, Matthew Josefy and Jonathan Anderson…
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Ricky Tan's paper “When to Play Your Advertisement? Optimal Insertion Policy of Behavioral Advertisement,” co-authored with Subodha Kumar and Lai Wei, has been accepted for publication in Information Systems Research.
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Serena Loftus' paper “Multi-Method Evidence on Investors' Reactions to Managers' Self-Inclusive Language,” co-authored with Zhenhua Chen of the University of San Diego, has been accepted for publication in Accounting, Organizations and…
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Osman Kazan's paper “Electric Power Industry: Operational and Public Policy Challenges and Opportunities,” co-authored with Geoff Parker and Burcu Tan Erciyes, has been accepted for publication in Production and Operations Management…
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Gans Narayanamoorthy and Shuoyuan He's paper per “Earnings Acceleration and Stock Returns” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Accounting and Economics.
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Gans Narayanamoorthy's paper “A Hidden Risk of Auditor Industry Specialization: Evidence from the Financial Crisis,” co-authored with Stephen Rowe, Cory Cassell and Emily Hunt, has been accepted for publication in Review of…
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Gus De Franco's paper “Riding the Blockchain Mania: Public Firms’ Speculative 8-K Disclosures,” co-authored with Stephanie Cheng, Haibo Jiang and Pengkai Lin, has been accepted for publication in Management Science.
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Claire Senot's paper “Continuity of Care and Risk of Readmission: An Investigation into the Healthcare Journey of Heart Failure Patients" has been accepted for publication in Production and Operations Management (POM).
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Xianjun Geng's paper “Bloatware and Jailbreaking: Strategic Impact of Consumer-Initiated Modification of Technology Products" was accepted for publication in Information Systems Research, and his paper “Operational Role of…
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Barrett Wheeler's paper “Loan Loss Accounting and Procyclical Bank Lending: The Role of Direct Regulatory Actions” has been accepted for publication in Journal of Accounting and Economics.
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Ricky Tan's paper “Altruism or Shrewd Business? Implications of Technology Openness on Innovations and Competition” has been accepted for publication in Management Information Systems Quarterly (MIS Quarterly).
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J. Cameron Verhaal's paper “Optimal Distinctiveness, Strategic Categorization, and Product Market Entry in the Google Play App Platform” has been accepted for publication in Strategic Management Journal.
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Junghee Lee's paper “Business Models for Technology-Intensive Supply Chains,” co-authored with Vish Krishnan and Hyoduk Shin, has been accepted for publication in Management Science.
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Amanda Heitz received the Best Paper Award from the International Conference on Banking and Economic Development for her paper “Creditor Rights, Information Sharing and Borrower Behavior: Theory and Evidence."
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Xianjun Geng's paper “Does It Pay to Shroud In-App Purchase Prices?", co-authored with Jeffery Shulman from the University of Washington, has been accepted for publication in Information Systems Research.
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Jung Hoon Lee's paper “Do Portfolio Manager Contracts Contract Portfolio Management?", co-authored with Charles Trzcinka from Indiana University and Shyam Venkatesan from University of West Ontario, is forthcoming in the Journal of…
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Robert Hansen's paper “Investment bank monitoring and bonding of security analysts’ research,” co-authored with Oya Altınkılıç of the University of Maryland and Vadim Balashov of Rutgers University, has been accepted for publication in…