Lisa LaViers, Jason Sandvik and Da Xu’spaper “CEO Pay Ratio, Voluntary Disclosures and Stakeholder Reactions” has been accepted for publication in The Review of Accounting Studies (RAST).
Trevor Young’s paper “Sentiment and Uncertainty” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Financial Economics (JFE).
Carmen Weigelt, associate professor of management, recently had papers accepted for publication in Energy Policy and IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.
In a study published in the Journal of Business Venturing, Assistant Professor of Management Brian Bergman offers strategies for new entrants in an emerging market category when the category-leading firm suffers a very public failure.
Stephanie Cheng’s paper “Disclosure and Competition for Capital,” co-authored with Christine Cuny and Xue Hao, has been accepted for publication in Management Science.
Rajat Khanna’s paper “Degree Assortativity in Collaboration Networks and Invention Performance,” co-authored with Isin Guler from UNC Chapel Hill, has been accepted for publication in Strategic Management Journal.
Saeede Eftekhari’s paper “Impact of Health Information Exchange Adoption on Referral Patterns” has been accepted for publication in Management Science.
Scott Kuban’s paper “When Not One of the Crowd: The Effects of CEO Ideological Divergence on Lobbying Strategy” has been accepted for publication in Journal of Management.
Oleg Gredil’s paper “On the information content of credit ratings and market-based measures of default risk” has been accepted for publication in Journal of Financial Economics.
Cameron Verhaal’s paper “Authenticity-Based Connections as Organizational Constraints and the Paradox of Authenticity in the Market for Cuban Cigars” has been accepted for publication in Organization Science.
Shuhua Sun’s paper “Perceived Social Undermining Keeps Entrepreneurs Up at Night and Disengaged the Next Day: The Mediating Role of Sleep Quality and the Buffering Role of Trait Resilience” has been accepted for publication in Journal of Business Venturing.
Robert Prilmeier’s paper “Why Do Firms Borrow Directly from Nonbanks?” has been accepted for publication in Review of Financial Studies.