Freeman Days invades National WWII Museum

On Thursday night (Feb. 10), the Freeman School hosted its annual Freeman Days Networking Reception at the National World War II Museum’s Stage Door Canteen. The business school’s biggest annual career event, Freeman Days brings together students, alumni and corporate recruiters for an evening of professional networking followed by a day of company presentations and information sessions on campus at the business school.

This year’s events attracted 395 students, 150 alumni and 100 recruiters and company representatives, making it the biggest Freeman Days New Orleans in history. To see more photos from this year’s networking reception, visit the Freeman School’s Flickr site.

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Stephen Feazell (MBA ’11) was one of 140 students who attended this year’s networking reception to meet alumni and recruiters and, hopefully, generate some job leads.
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Marcella Fonseco (BSM ’12) greets Yolanda Johnson, talent acquisition manager with Enterprise Holdings, during the reception’s “speed networking” session. The exercise, modeled after speed dating events, lets students and employers meet and share information in 15-minute rounds.
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April Cathey, right, a recruiting agent with the Internal Revenue Service, tells students a little about the agency during the speed networking segment. More than 90 recruiters attended this year’s reception to pitch their organizations and try to attract the best talent.
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Left to right, Steven Folse (MFIN ’11), Christina Thomas (MFIN ’10) and Chris Partridge (BSM ’08, MFIN ’09). Thomas and Partridge, financial analysts with Chaffe & Associates, were among the 150 alumni who attended the reception to network with students and fellow professionals.