WalletHub: Ask the Experts

Eric Smith

Eric Smith, professor of practice and associate director of the Tulane Energy Institute, was interviewed for a WalletHub “Ask the Experts” Q&A on reducing energy costs during the summer. Smith addressed how to save money on energy bills, whether tax deductions and credits are effective incentives to make households more energy efficient, and what impacts the pandemic is likely to have on energy production and prices in the coming months.

As general economic activity resumes, the expression “lower for longer” comes to mind. Deliberately suppressed demand rarely turns out well. When demand does return, it hits capital intensive industries, including energy, with a vengeance. The inevitable lags create shortages which cause higher prices for all forms of energy until equilibrium is re-established. That’s true in all states, even in those along the Gulf Coast, where energy is a relatively abundant and a bargain.

To read the article in its entirety, visit WalletHub.com:
