LOGA Industry Report: Oil & Gas Industry Can Thrive in Clean Energy Transition

Pierre Conner

Pierre Conner, professor of practice and executive director of the Tulane Energy Institute, contributed an article to the spring 2022 Louisiana Oil & Gas Association (LOGA) Industry Report about opportunities for the industry as the nation shifts toward renewable energy sources.

One solution the concentration of emission sources [in Louisiana] lends itself to is CCUS [carbon capture, utilization, and sequestration]. It appears there was a recent land grab on the outer continental shelf off Texas for possible CO2 injection, which should be our wake-up call. Louisiana should leverage the proximity of industry to offshore carbon storage potential and implement policies to the satisfaction of all stakeholders for what could be big business. Rystad Energy estimates 5,200 wells need to be drilled worldwide for CO2 injection, and we should drill our share.

To read the article in its entirety, visit logaindustryreport-digital.com:
