Forbes: Election 2024: Expect Politician Misinformation To Kick Into High Gear

Rob Lalka

Rob Lalka, Lepage Professor in Business and executive director of the Lepage Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, was interviewed by Forbes for a story about misinformation and the 2024 presidential campaign. Lalka, the author The Venture Alchemists: How Big Tech Turned Profits Into Power, discussed the growing role of social media in amplifying false or misleading information.

"The AI tools now available (cheaply or for free) will supercharge this trend, making it impossible to tell reality from unreality," said Lalka. "The implications are profound. Misinformation can shape public perception, influence voter behavior, and sway the outcome of elections. 'Deepfaked' audio, video, and photos could create false narratives that erode trust in the electoral process, fuel polarization, and undermine trust. We should all come to grips with this fact: the information we are about to see and hear online will seem real but might be purposefully misleading."

To read the story in its entirety, visit

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