Student News
Coby Kramer-Golinkoff (BSM ’13) isn’t your typical college student. In addition to handling his course load in business management and international development, the Freeman School junior is fundraising for the fight against cystic…
Student teams from Tulane University and six other schools put their valuation and financial analysis skills to the test at the 16th annual Rolanette and Berdon Lawrence Finance Case Competition. The competition, an annual presentation…
Four Freeman School Master of Finance students beat out teams from more than 25 universities to take home the top honors at the inaugural Wall St. Training Valuation Competition. The contest, sponsored by Wall St. Training, a provider…
A team of Freeman School students traveled to New York in December and came away with third-place honors at the 2011 University Trading Challenge. Freeman students Trevor Plath, Mario Cano, Savanna Speciale and Edward Hall, left to…
Tom Connor (MBA ’12) has worked on a lot of consulting projects but probably none as simultaneously inspiring and sobering as the one he recently undertook for CILSA, an Argentinean nonprofit dedicated to helping at-risk children and…
Beta Gamma Sigma inductees Margaret Burdeno (BSM/MACCT ’12), Rachel Schneider (BSM/MACCT ’12), Jacqueline Lee (BSM/MACCT ’12) and Sally Horton (BSM/MACCT ’12).The Tulane chapter of Beta Gamma Sigma, the international honor society…
Dean DeNisi with some of the award recipients from this year’s graduation ceremony. From left to right, Ruth Yomtoubian (MBA/MGM ’11), Ian Jones (MBA ’11), Claudio Galimberti (MFIN Houston’11), DeNisi, Chia Lee Neoh (MFIN New Orleans ’…
Three Freeman School students have been chosen as 2010 recipients of DiversityMBA Magazine’s Outstanding Graduate Student Leadership Award. The award recognizes minority and multicultural graduate students—including African…
Disposing of used cooking oil is an unpleasant cost of doing business for most restaurants, but one local group is turning that task into green—green fuel, green jobs and green cash. Hamilton Simons-Jones, left, of the Gulfsouth…
The Tulane chapter of Beta Gamma Sigma, the international honor society recognizing business excellence, welcomed its newest members at an induction ceremony in Goldring/Woldenberg Hall II on Oct. 26, 2010. The inductees, including…
The hopes of three Freeman School students are riding on recycling in a national marketing competition. Freeman School students Amanda Diamond, Carly O’Meara and Beckie Warren, left to right, are traveling to locations across the…
Student traders from Rutgers, the University of Texas at Austin, Tulane and Northwestern took the top honors at the 2010 Tulane Energy Trading Competition, but according to some participants, the biggest reward for taking part in the…
Twelve teams of Freeman School students put their skills to the test on Friday (Oct. 22) as participants in the PricewaterhouseCoopers xACT Competition, one of the nation’s leading case competitions for accounting and business students…
Up-and-coming singer-songwriter Sami Khan (BSM '11) plans to make music his full-time job when he graduates in May, but that doesn’t mean the Freeman School senior is turning his back on business. Khan hopes to use the marketing skills…
From left to right, Alexandra Thurber, Mark Popovich, David Cusimano, Max Joseph, Daniel Crowley, Anthony Elia, Dennis Grosche, Peter Ricchiuti, Ioana Martian and Jacque Noel.The always enthusiastic Peter Ricchiuti, clinical professor…
With recruiter visits to college campuses down by an estimated 20 percent in the last year, business schools have had to get creative to connect students with employers, and that's just what Freeman's Career Management Center has done…
It’s not that unusual for business students to read cases on companies like Google, General Electric and Time-Warner in their management classes. What is a little unusual is for the students themselves to write the cases. Since last…
The Tulane chapter of Beta Gamma Sigma, the international honor society recognizing business excellence, welcomed its newest members on May 13, 2010. The 47 inductees, including students from the BSM, MACCT, MBA, MFIN, MGM, MMG, and…
The following student awards were presented at the Freeman School's 2010 undergraduate and graduate-level diploma ceremonies. BSM Scholastic Achievement Award Established in 1997, the BSM Scholastic Achievement Award recognizes…
This year’s Freeman School commencement ceremony was nothing special, and according to Dean Angelo DeNisi, that’s what made it special indeed. Kelly Buck (BSM/MACCT '10) is all smiles after receiving her diploma as Sara Biller (MACCT…
Poverty and lack of access to safe, affordable lighting are two of the biggest challenges facing populations in the developing world. A startup company hopes to solve both of those problems with an innovative new product, and now, with…
The developer of an orthopedic implant to help patients with osteoporosis undergo spinal surgery, a social enterprise to provide clean, affordable off-grid lighting to rural poor in the developing world, and the maker of a line of…
Jack and Jake’s Local and Organic Market is a new business that plans to bring locally grown food to customers in underserved neighborhoods within three days of harvest, but to achieve that goal, the company first needs a top-notch…
Xavier Cabo, Chonchol Gupta and Alex Owings may not have much in common with Kelly Clarkson or Adam Lambert, but they can all say they're idols. Rebirth Financial, a new company started by the second-year MBA students, was one of four…
MBA students from Freeman and seven other top-ranked business schools competed for $10,000 in cash prizes at the 14th annual Rolanette and Berdon Lawrence Finance Case Competition. This year's competition, which took place on March 19…