New Orleans CityBusiness: To address COVID-19, we can learn from our history of innovation

Rob Lalka

Rob Lalka, professor of practice and executive director of the Albert Lepage Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, contributed a Guest Perspective to New Orleans CityBusiness about the lessons the city's entrepreneurs can teach New Orleans as it recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Competition can be healthy. (I certainly wish we had more investors and companies vying for our deals and talent.) But collaboration is vital, because ideas are easy and execution is the hard part. That’s where the soul of New Orleans’ startup community really matters. As Patrick Comer once put it: “It’s normal for the folks working in startups to be passionate about the business they’re working for. They get intoxicated with making it work, and it’s powerful. But there’s another passion, another bit of culture that exists in New Orleans; it’s passion for the community.”

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To address COVID-19, we can learn from our history of innovation