Research Notes: Shuhua Sun
Shuhua Sun recently had two papers accepted for publication. "A Componential and Functional Framework for Metacognition: Implications for Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management” was accepted for publication in Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management, and “Unpacking the Nonlinear Effect of Self‐efficacy in Entrepreneurship: Why and Under Which Condition More Is Not Better,” co-authored with Marilyn A. Uy and Gabriel Henry Jacob (NTU, Singapore), Michael M. Gielnik (Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Germany) and John Luis D. Lagdameo, Armando G. Miclat Jr. and Enrico C. Osi (Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines), was accepted for publication in Personnel Psychology. Sun is the Peter W. and Paul A. Callais Professor of Entrepreneurship and an associate professor of management.