
Fariba Mamaghani photographed in the Goldring/Woldenberg Business Complex
July 09, 2024
A new research paper from Assistant Professor of Management Science Fariba Mamaghani explores the complex dynamic of electricity retailing, deciphering how solar power adoption is driving up prices and proposing an innovative solution to break the cycle.
Fariba Mamaghani photographed in the Goldring/Woldenberg Business Complex
July 09, 2024
Assistant Professor of Management Science Fariba Mamaghani joined host Rich Collins to discuss ways utilities can strengthen Louisiana's electric grid to withstand the growing risk of extreme weather events for the Biz Talks podcast.
Yang Pan
July 02, 2024
A study co-authored by a researcher at Tulane University’s A. B. Freeman School of Business has uncovered important insights into how individual investors' risk preferences influence their online trading behaviors and performance.
July 01, 2024
Hongseok Jang's paper "Tailoring Technology for Heterogeneous Shoppers: Implications for e-Retail Channel Competition” was accepted for publication in Journal of Management Information Systems.
June 28, 2024
Yumei He, assistant professor of management science, was interviewed for an Associated Press story about dating app burnout.
June 27, 2024
Musa Caglar's paper "A Parsimonious Tree Augmented Naive Bayes Model for Exploring Colorectal Cancer Survival Factors and Their Conditional Interrelations” was accepted for publication in Information Systems Frontiers.
Melissa Lightell
June 21, 2024
Melissa Lightell, assistant dean of graduate admissions, was interviewed by the education news website Best Colleges for a story about Freeman's new MBA curriculum.
Yang Pan
May 02, 2024
Yang Pan's paper "Mobile Apps, Trading Behaviors, and Portfolio Performance: Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment in China," co-authored with Chewei Liu, Sunil Mithas and J.J. Po-An Hsieh, has been accepted for publication in Information Systems Research.
Stock photo of person using dating app on phone
April 01, 2024
A new Tulane University study finds that sharing ephemeral photos, which vanish after being seen, can increase the number of matches on a dating app. The study was published in Information Systems Research.
Claire Senot teaches MBA class in GWBC
March 04, 2024
While much is known about patient outcomes while admitted into a healthcare facility, there are many unknowns when it comes to individual results after discharge. Claire Senot is advancing research related to the entire healthcare patient journey.
Adobe Stock Illustration of online dating app
February 13, 2024
A study from a professor at the A. B. Freeman School of Business suggests that a new privacy feature has the potential to put dating app users more at ease and ultimately lead to more romantic connections.
January 24, 2024
Yumei He's paper "Enhancing User Privacy Through Ephemeral Sharing Design: Experimental Evidence from Online Dating" has been accepted for publication in Information Systems Research (ISR).
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