Faculty member launches campaign for math education site
Iris Mack, adjunct lecturer in management science and faculty member of the Tulane Energy Institute, has kicked off a two-month Indiegogo campaign to raise funds for MathQED, a website dedicated to assisting math students at all levels.

MathQED, which builds on Mack's previous award-winning site Phatmath, is founded on two principals: (1) All students deserve a solid math education - the gatekeeper subject to many careers; (2) All students should have access to affordable math homework help.
Mack says MathQED is designed to help students improve their math literacy in a number of ways.
- Parents, students, tutors, mentors and teachers contribute to make math interesting.
- Students can get help from older students who have "been there and done that."
- Affordable tutors are available for one-on-one math help.
- Students can have fun getting through their math homework.
- Parents learn time-efficient tips for helping their children with math homework.
- Cost effective for parents to pay for tutoring
Contributors to the Indiegogo campaign will receive discounted access to MathQED and perks including books by Mack.
Mack has a bachelor's degree from Vassar College, a doctorate in applied mathematics from Harvard University and a Sloan Fellow MBA from the London Business School. She is also a former derivatives and quantitative finance analyst and trader who has worked in financial institutions in the U.S., London and Asia. She has also spent some of her professional career at NASA, Boeing and AT&T Bell Laboratories, where she obtained a patent for research on optical fibers. She was recently elected to the board of the Women in Energy Network - South Louisiana chapter, for which she serves as New Orleans Public & Industry Relations Director.
For more information, visit Mack's Indiegogo campaign page.