Freeman News & Stories
Through the memory-awakening power of food, Emily (BSM ’06, MBA ’13) and Alon Shaya are reconnecting a Holocaust survivor with his past and helping ensure that the stories of other survivors are preserved. Story by Elizabeth Lambert.…

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the Tulane Business Model Competition. As we…
As chief AI officer at Entergy, Andy Quick (MBA '01) leverages AI to solve problems…
As Morton A. Aldrich Professor in Business and associate professor of management…
Freeman School faculty members Chris Lipp and Rob Lalka are among the more than 200…
Topics of Interest
In 2023, Freeman professor Chris Otten and co-owner Mary Nell Bennett launched the Nell Shell, a seafood pop-up bringing New England delicacies to Crescent City eaters.
As a child growing up surrounded by poverty, food insecurity and crime, Russell Ledet (MD/MBA ’22) never dreamed he would one don a white doctor’s coat as a graduate of Tulane School of Medicine, but the Lake Charles, Louisiana, native…
Rob Nelson (BSM ’88) won’t be scrambling to find a last-minute Valentine’s Day gift this year. As CEO of Elmer Chocolate, Nelson has been planning for Valentine’s Day 2025 for the last two years.
In the Media
Faculty & Research
| Research
In a new paper, Assistant Professor of Management Science Hongseok Jang investigates how suppliers should navigate their presence on online retail platforms. His paper, “Supplier Encroachment through Online Marketplaces” is forthcoming…
| Research
Eugina Leung's paper "The Narrow Search Effect and How Broadening Search Promotes Belief Updating,” co-authored with Oleg Urminsky (University of Chicago), was accepted for publication in Proceedings of National Academy of Science…
| Research
Chris Hydock's paper "The Effect of Company Size on Aggregate Word of Mouth Valence," co-authored with Jan Klostermann, Anne Mareike Flaswinkel and Reinhold Decker, has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Marketing…
Freeman Business

The alumni magazine of the Freeman School of Business at Tulane University.