July 28, 2022

Amin Sabzehzar’s paper “Putting Religious Bias in Context: How Offline and Online Context Shape Religious Bias in Online Pro-social Lending,” co-authored with Gordon Burtch of Boston University, Yili Hong of the University of Miami and T.S. Raghu of Arizona State, has been accepted for publication in MIS Quarterly.

Eugina Leung
July 21, 2022

Eugina Leung’s paper “Consumer Preference for Formal Address and Informal Address from Warm Brands and Competent Brands,” co-authored with Anne-Sophie Lenoir of Branding Science, Stefano Puntoni of Erasmus University and Stijn van Osselaer of Cornell University, has been accepted for publication in Journal of Consumer Psychology.

July 20, 2022

Claire Senot’s paper “Novelty and Scope of Process Innovation: The Role of Related and Unrelated Manufacturing Experience,” co-authored with Ivan Lugovoi of Kühne Logistics University and Dimitrios Andritsos of HEC Paris, has been accepted for publication in Production and Operations Management.

Ted Fee
July 15, 2022

Ted Fee’s paper “Hidden Gems: Do Market Participants Respond to Performance Expectations Revealed in Compensation Disclosures?” co-authored with Zhi Li of Chapman University and Qiyuan (Rachel) Peng of the University of Dayton, has been accepted for publication in Journal of Accounting and Economics.

July 07, 2022

Yumei He’s paper “Managing Congestion in a Matching Market via Demand Information Disclosure,” co-authored with Ni Huang and Yili Hong of the University of Miami and Gordon Burtch of Boston University, has been accepted for publication in Information Systems Research.

July 01, 2022

Jasmijn Bol, Francis Martin Chair in Business and PwC Professor in Accounting, contributed the article “Are You Promotable?” to the July 2022 issue of Strategic Finance, the monthly magazine of the Institute of Management Accountants.

Eric Smith
June 23, 2022

Eric Smith, professor of practice in management science and associate director of the Tulane Energy Institute, was interviewed by WVUE-TV Fox 8 for a story about the impact of soaring summer temperatures on Louisiana’s power grid.

Natalie Longmire
June 16, 2022

Natalie Longmire’s paper “Rekindling the Fire and Stoking the Flames: How and When Workplace Interpersonal Capitalization Facilitates Pride and Knowledge Sharing at Work” has been accepted for publication in Academy of Management Journal.

Lisa LaViers
June 14, 2022

In a new paper, Assistant Professor of Accounting Lisa LaViers finds that the SEC’s decision to require firms to report their CEO pay ratios led to a proliferation of voluntary disclosures that went above and beyond the rule’s requirements — and stakeholders are responding to that additional information.

Energy students on trip to oil production platform
June 10, 2022

Master of Management in Energy students have long had success in landing jobs with leading energy companies, but this year’s graduates are among the most successful yet. Ninety-three percent of this year’s class had job offers at graduation, the highest percentage in program history.

Gus De Franco and Vivi Zhu
May 31, 2022

Gus De Franco and Vivi Zhu’s paper “Fixed Income Conference Calls,” co-authored with Da Xu (PhD ’22) and Thomas Shohfi from the SEC, has been accepted for publication in The Journal of Accounting & Economics.

May 23, 2022

Tulane University’s A. B. Freeman School of Business recognized more than 700 degree candidates at its spring 2022 undergraduate and graduate diploma ceremonies. The ceremonies took place on Friday, May 20, at Avron B. Fogelman Arena in Devlin Fieldhouse on Tulane’s uptown campus.

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