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September 24, 2017
How do you build a sustainable ecosystem for entrepreneurs? In a talk hosted by the Freeman School’s Albert Lepage Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, venture capital giant Chuck Newhall invoked an analogy tailor-made for his Louisiana audience.
Graduate Reunion Weekend
September 14, 2017
Celebrating a milestone graduation anniversary this year? Register now for the A. B. Freeman School of Business Graduate Reunion Weekend! Scheduled to coincide with Tulane Homecoming, this year’s reunion takes place Nov. 3-5.
Tulane in Houston
September 05, 2017
The Freeman School’s Houston campus reopens today, nearly two weeks after closing in anticipation of Hurricane Harvey.
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August 07, 2017
The Wall Street Journal interviewed Freeman School Assistant Professor of Accounting Serena Loftus for a story about a new study she authored on managers' use of self-inclusive language.
Alex Sleptsov
August 04, 2017
Alex Sleptsov, assistant dean for executive education at Tulane University’s A. B. Freeman School of Business, was interviewed for a story about the role of advanced business degrees in today’s working environment.
July 27, 2017
Sam Luber (BSM/MACCT ’18), a senior majoring in finance and accounting, has been awarded a $10,000 merit scholarship by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board.
Tulane Business Forum
July 25, 2017
For the 38th annual Tulane Business Forum, local and national business leaders will offer fresh insights on how data is transforming their organizations and creating new opportunities in financial services, health care, accounting and other areas.
July 22, 2017
Serena Loftus' paper “Because of ‘Because’: Examining the Use of Causal Language in Relative Performance Feedback” has been accepted for publication in the Accounting Review.
Nick Pan
July 22, 2017
Xuhui “Nick” Pan's paper “Oil Volatility Risk and Expected Stock Returns” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Banking and Finance.
Nishad Kapadia
July 08, 2017
Nishad Kapadia and Morad Zekhnini’s paper “Getting Paid to Hedge: Why Don't Investors Pay a Premium to Hedge Downturns?” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.
Lynn Hannan
July 08, 2017
Lynn Hannan's paper “Designing a Performance Feedback System in a Multi-Task Environment: Relative Performance Information Detail Level and Temporal Aggregation in a Multi-Task Environment” has been accepted for publication in Contemporary Accounting Research.
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July 06, 2017
Yinliang "Ricky" Tan's paper “Mitigating Inventory Overstocking: Optimal Order-up-to-Level to Achieve a Target Fill Rate” has been accepted for publication in Production and Operations Management.
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