Faculty & Research

January 18, 2024
Deen Kemsley's paper "Tax Evasion Savings versus Unlawful Predicate Proceeds: A Substance-Based Approach," co-authored with Sean A. Kemsley (University of Texas at Austin), has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Money Laundering Control.
50% off sign in a store
December 21, 2023
Retailers may want to rethink advertising their next big sale as an opportunity for customers to “stock up and save.” A new Tulane University study suggests a better way to boost sales.
Russ Robins photographed in Goldring/Woldenberg Business Complex
December 18, 2023
Russ Robins' paper "A New Look at Expected Stock Returns and Volatility" has been accepted for publication in Critical Finance Review.
December 14, 2023
Assistant Professor of Management Scott Kuban's paper "Peer Response to Regulatory Enforcement: Lobbying by Non-Sanctioned Firms," co-authored with Jason Ridge, Dan Worrell, Sergei Kolomeitsev and Kristie Moergen, has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Management.
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December 06, 2023
Amanda Heitz's paper "The Power of the People: Labor Unions and Corporate Social Responsibility," co-authored with Youan Wang and Zigan Wang, has been accepted for publication in Review of Finance.
Fariba Mamaghani photographed in the Goldring/Woldenberg Business Complex
November 01, 2023
Fariba Mamaghani's paper "Harvesting Solar Power Foments Prices in a Vicious Cycle: Breaking the Cycle with Price Mechanisms," co-authored with Metin Cakanyildirim, has been accepted for publication in Operations Research Journal.
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October 27, 2023
Oleg Gredil’s paper “Do Employees Cheer for Private Equity? The Heterogeneous Effects of Buyouts on Job Quality” has been accepted for publication in Management Science.
Everyday Low Price sign in big box retail store
October 26, 2023
A new study by Chris Hydock, assistant professor of marketing, finds that consumers’ preferences for Everyday Low Price versus High-Low Pricing retailers depends in large part on whether the consumer is more focused on taste or quality when shopping.
October 24, 2023
Yi-Jen “Ian” Ho’s working paper “AI Enforcement: Examining the Impact of AI on Judicial Fairness and Public Safety,” co-authored with Wael Jabar and Yifan Zhang, received the 2023 INFORMS ISS Cluster Best Paper Award from the INFORMS Information Systems Society.
October 13, 2023
Assistant Professor of Management Ben King's paper "Reconciling Theories on Why Employees of Small Firms Are More Likely to Become Entrepreneurs," co-authored with Evan Starr and Martin Ganco, has been accepted for publication in Industrial and Corporate Change.
October 07, 2023
Assistant Professor of Marketing Chris Hydock's paper "Not Just about Price: How Benefit Focus Determines Consumers’ Retailer Pricing Strategy Preference," co-authored with Luc Wathieu (Georgetown University), has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Consumer Research.
Adobe Stock Vacation Resort photo
September 27, 2023

Social media marketers routinely share photos of people vacationing in exotic locales or attending events at exclusive venues, but new research from a professor at Tulane University’s A. B. Freeman School of Business suggests that those photos of prior customers may actually be driving new customers away.

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