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August 16, 2018
As a professional football player, Freeman School alumnus Brandon LeBeau (BSM '15) has some slick moves on the field. As the founder of local moving company Movn, LeBeau also specializes in smooth moves off the gridiron.
Goldring/Woldenberg Business Complex
August 06, 2018
The Goldring/Woldenberg Business Complex has been certified LEED Gold by the U.S. Green Building Council for meeting the highest standards in green building.
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July 31, 2018
In July, a panel of employees from one of the most innovative companies around -- technology firm Lucid -- shared their thoughts on the company’s one-of-a-kind culture in a special presentation for business students.
July 20, 2018

On July 13, Master of Management in Energy students visited Breton Sound #51, an offshore production platform in the Gulf of Mexico operated by independent oil and gas company Upstream Exploration.

Melissa Papock
July 19, 2018
As the founder and CEO of stylish swimwear brand Cabana Life, Melissa Papock (BSM '96) knows that clothing acts as a vital line of defense against summertime sun exposure.
July 18, 2018
Musa Caglar’s paper “Impact Assessment Based Sectoral Balancing in Public R&D Project Portfolio Selection,” co-authored with Sinan Gurel, has been accepted for publication in Socio-Economic Planning Sciences.
Todd Wackerman
July 17, 2018
Founded by alumnus Todd Wackerman (MBA '18), STEM Library Lab is a new nonprofit that provides New Orleans public and charter school teachers with the tools they need to teach hands-on, inquiry-based science.
July 16, 2018
Junghee Lee's paper “First Look Determination,” co-authored with Vish Krishnan, Oleksiy Mnyshenko and Hyoduk Shin, has been accepted for publication in Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (MSOM.)
June 26, 2018
Rajat Khanna’s paper “Entangled Decisions: Knowledge Interdependencies and Termination of Patented Inventions in the Pharmaceutical Industry,” co-authored with Isin Guler and Atul Nerkar, has been accepted for publication in Strategic Management Journal.
Timothy West
June 25, 2018
Tim West's paper “A Comprehensive Analysis of Findings from Single Audits: The Implications of Auditee Type and Auditor Expertise,” co-authored with Tammy Waymire and Zach Webb, has been accepted for publication in The Journal of Government and Nonprofit Accounting (JOGNA).
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June 15, 2018
Pamela Whitten, an alumna of Tulane University's A. B. Freeman School of Business, has been appointed president of Kennesaw State University, the third-largest university in Georgia and one of the 50 largest public institutions in the country.
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June 11, 2018
A. B. Freeman School of Business alumna Alexis S. Gandal (BSM/MACCT ’17) has been named a 2017 recipient of the American Institute of CPAs’ Elijah Watt Sells Award.
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