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November 11, 2013

From, Nov. 8, 2013:

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November 06, 2013

The Internet is a powerful force that’s still evolving in unexpected, exciting and cool ways.

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October 25, 2013

Michael Burke’s paper “Statistical Significance Criteria for the rWG and Average Deviation Interrater Agreement Indices,” co-authored with Kristin Smith-Crowe, Ayala Cohen and Etti Doveh, has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Applied Psychology.

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October 25, 2013

A legal studies instructor who sends her students into New Orleans courtrooms to help improve the city’s criminal justice system and a finance professor whose students are actively managing more than $3 million in Tulane University endowment funds are the first recipients of a new award that reco

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October 15, 2013

To commemorate the Freeman School’s 100th anniversary, NASDAQ displayed a special congratulatory message this morning on its famed MarketSite Tower in Times Square.

October 15, 2013

Emily Rosenzweig’s paper “The Performance Heuristic: A Misguided Reliance on Past Success When Predicting Future Prospects for Improvement” has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.

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October 10, 2013

The Freeman School’s Burkenroad Reports program earned a national spotlight this week with a high-profile feature in Barron’s magazine.

October 10, 2013

Executive Director of the Levy-Rosenblum Institute for Entrepreneurship
A. B. Freeman School of Business
Tulane University

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October 10, 2013

From MarketWatch, Oct. 10, 2013

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October 01, 2013

More than 300 Freeman students traveled to the Big Apple in September for Freeman Days New York, the Career Management Center’s annual networking and recruiting trip for students seeking jobs in New York City.

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September 30, 2013
Geoff ParkerBurcu Tan

Geoff Parker and Burcu Tan’s paper “Platform Performance Investment in the Presence of Network Externalities,” co-authored with Edward G.

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September 17, 2013

Dean Ira Solomon is pleased to announce that the A. B. Freeman School of Business at Tulane University has added five new full-time professors to its faculty for the 2013-14 academic year.

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